Helping preserve the rural landscape of the
Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee Region.

5.12 Acres Protected in Andover
Ausbon Sargent is happy to share that a conservation easement has been finalized on a 5.12-acre property in Andover, with frontage on the Northern Rail Trail, Route 11 and Sucker Brook. The McDonough property, owned by the Town of Andover, lies between two of Ausbon Sargent's existing easements. Nestled between the 54.25-acre Roger Hersey easement and the 41.77- acre Perry easement, the addition of this acreage creates just over 100 acres of contiguous protected land, which is important for wildlife movement in the region. This property also protects Sucker Brook, which flows into Webster Lake. With the addition of this acreage, Ausbon Sargent has now protected 13,546 acres of land in our region!
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Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) is a leader in land conservation in the Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee region. Learn all about their latest actions and support for land conservation here.