Preserving Integrity
The Andover Conservation Commission, enabled by the NH legislature in RSA 36-A, is tasked with providing services, information and guidelines that assists with the conservation of the natural resources of Andover NH.
The Andover Conservation Commission established resource priorities for potential preservation that are aligned closely with those of the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) and the Society for the Protection of NH Forests (SPNHF).
The priorities were chosen as relatively broad categories in areas at risk for development and could help ensure the future of Andover’s well being, sustainability, and overall rural character.
These include:
• Drinking water resources
• Ecologically important areas, including wildlife habitats and unfragmented land
• Agricultural land, including soils of statewide importance
• Forest resources and
• Scenic resources identified informally by Andover residents
Priority areas contain the most significant natural resources by virtue of being high quality, uncommon, at risk by development, critically important, or in pristine condition. Taken all together, they encompass much of what still makes Andover special and unique — rural landscapes and productive forest and farms. The Conservation Commission agrees with the protection goals of ASLPT: productive farmlands, forests, scenic views, wildlife habitats, recreation lands, wetlands, watersheds, and undeveloped shorelines.
The Andover Conservation Commission is composed of volunteers that have been elected into the position. We are here to serve the Andover citizenry and its landscapes. If you have a concern, comment or question please contact us by calling town hall (603) 735-6055.


Joined the ACC in 2020
Joined the ACC in 2019

Gardner, geologist, cartographer, videographer and editing master. Joined the ACC 1970's ALTERNATE
Farmer, conservationist and owner of Hersey Family Farm Joined in 1970's
Hiker, biker, geologist, naturalist and tireless land preservationist
Joined the ACC in 2020

Cold water swimmer, avid hiker, and local history enthusiast.
Joined the ACC June 2016.

Science teacher, conservationist and enthusiastic bird watcher. Joined the ACC Feb. 2017.

Joined the ACC in 2021. She loves to walk in the woods! Monitors easement tracts in Salisbury and Andover.